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Broker Registration Form

Clearview Homes LLC. hereby acknowledges receipt of this registration request and agrees to pay the agent/broker above a commission of three percent (3%) of the Base Sales Price on the sale of the home exclusive of options, upgrades, or premiums when and if: 1) title passes, 2) the prospect has not previously registered at Clearview Homes LLC., and 3) the prospect confirms that it is represented by agent/broker.

This brokerage fee policy is valid only when countersigned by seller. This registration is valid for 30 days and may be updated by written notice for an additional 30 day period.

Thank you for registering your prospect. We look forward to working with you and your prospects over the coming weeks. Please call us if you have any questions about our community or procedure and provide us with feedback as well.

Selections & Information Center

445 S. Livernois Rd.
Suite #324
Rochester Hills, MI 48307


Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
© 2025 Clearview Homes. All rights reserved. | Equal Housing Opportunity